What benefits do 2020 Medicare Advantage plans offer?

Posted in Health News

Medicare Advantage 2020 Benefits

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded its definition of “primary health-related” benefits that private insurance companies are allowed to include in their 2020 Medicare Advantage plan offerings.

Some of the benefits that were added to the approved list include:

  • Transportation to doctor’s offices
  • Grab bars in home bathrooms
  • Healthier food options
  • Air conditioners for people with asthma
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Aides to help with daily activities like dressing or eating

The expansion of the “primary, health-related” definition includes care and devices that are used to:

  • Treat or prevent injuries or illness
  • Compensate for physical impairments
  • Reduce emergency medical care
  • Address the psychological effects of injuries or illness

While any new benefits would not require a doctor’s order or prescription, they would have to be deemed “medically appropriate” and recommended by a licensed health care provider.

Source: https://www.medicareadvantage.com/resources/new-potential-medicare-advantage-plan-benefits

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